Saturday 25 June 2016

Use Google Tricks!

1.Calculate The Tip

   Type : "Tip Calculator" on Google & Search.

2.Convert Digits into English Words
   Type : "2500=English" on Google & Search.

3.U Can See The Time of any Country
    Type : "Time India" on Google & Search.

4.Search Events Dates

   Type : "Event Name" on Google & Search.

5.Movies Of Particular Country or by Pincode

   Type : Example- "movies Newyork" on Google & Search.

6.Faster Way To Translate

    Type : Example- "hey in hindi" on Google & Search.

7.Check Weather By Google

    Type : "America Forecast" on Google & Search.

8.U Can Convert Money By Google

    Type : "$300 in Rupee" on Google & Search.

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